Thursday, December 26, 2019

Routing with Authentication in Angular 8

In this post I am going give simple example how we can implement authentication but here I am giving simple step

First Create Angular application with routing enable
>ng new RoutingAuthentication

? Would you like to add Angular routing? (y/N) Yes
Here we need to enter yes so that it will enables routing by default
How it will asks for styling select CSS
And it will creates the Angular application
Note: it takes several minutes

Now navigate to folder

Open the Folder in Visual Studio code

Here we can see the file name

It will be create by default as we enabled routing while creating angular application

By default the ts file contains the above content
Now open the app.component.html
We can see new tag  as shown below

This routing node is responsible to render the given component

Now create 4 components
>ng g c about-us
>ng g c contact-us
>ng g c dashboard
>ng g c login

 Here update the content of 4 component with corresponding information

But we want to restrict Dashboard component on some condition like some value we it should available in session then only it should allow to see the component other wise we redirect to login page

Note: Here I do not have any service to check user name and password so

Here on click of login I taking some input and storing in session and that I am checking as authentication

Now open login component html and update the content

CheckUser function is written shown in below

Here is setting empid to session

We need to restrict (authentication) Dashboard component by checking the this empid in session

This logic we can write special file that is called

CanActivate imterface will help to do this

Add new TypeScript File as shown below

Here the class MyGuard is implemented by CanActivate
Now we need to implement canActivate() method

This method will return Boolean value if it is true then it will allow to access the component other wise it will now allow
So we are checking session value and allowing user to access by returning true other wise it will return false and we are redirecting to login component
For navigating we are using router service

Now open the app-routing.module.ts

Add below routing path for each component

Here we are restring Dashboard component by enabling MyGuard for canActivate parameter


Open the dash board component and add logout button in that clear the session as shown below

    <h2>welcome to home page</h2>
    <input type="button" value="Logout" (click)="Logout()">

In ts file add Logout() function as shown below


In App-component.html update below content

<div style="align-content: center;width:100%">
  <h2  >Welcome to angular routing </h2>
  <a routerLink="/aboutus">About Us</a>      
  <a routerLink="/contactus">Contact Us</a>      
  <a routerLink="/login">Login</a>


Access the application

About Us component able to access
Dashboard component we assigned home as routing path
Now try to access Home

Click on logout it will redirect to login component

Here it is basic steps , we can write our own logic like checking user details in data base or web api

Please  comment your queries.

Friday, May 27, 2011

What is the difference between session and view state

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hi friends You can post any queries in .net i will provide answer

Hi friends,Am a . net developer if you have any queries post that i will provide answer to that query.